I am known to be the FIRST one to send out my Christmas cards and family newsletter to friends and family. I pride myself on it. My friends say they know the holiday season has begun when they receive my family Christmas card and newsletter. I send everything out right after Thanksgiving either on the last day of November or first of December. I really do this because I like to get it out of the way. Check one thing off my "to do" list for the holiday season. We all know how hectic it can be, right?
This year, I'm feeling particularly tired and the holiday season isn't in full-swing yet. I'm actually thinking of NOT sending out Christmas cards and a family newsletter and keeping it really simple. My husband suggested a video card. Do you guys have a FLIP?
We got a FLIP a couple months ago and LOVE IT. We have the UltraHD version so the quality is fantastic and you can even do still shots. Better yet, you can connect everything to your computer and make your own videos and cards with the still shots! So, we're trying to think ahead and be tech savvy this year all the while keeping things simple and more cost effective. Every year, I have been sending out a family Christmas card with a photo (those cards are not cheap!) or take family portraits and make photo cards from them. Those can be really expensive. Then, I also include a family newsletter including details on what our family has been up to the past year. It's in COLOR and I include lots of photos! I print everything out on my computer, but ink cartridges aren't cheap.
So, as I said, I'm looking for an easier way. The FLIP may be just the answer! If you guys have a FLIP, have you made your own videos? How often have you used it? We use it practically everyday! The kids love using it as well since it's so small and light and easy to use. It has AWESOME memory so it can hold a lot of video and I've downloaded video and stills from our FLIP to email and Facebook. Simple and high quality. You can't argue that!
Have you ever received a Christmas video from your family or friends? I think it would be cool, but that's just me. I know there's tradition behind the Christmas cards, but we're in the digital era now. So much communication is done via email, Facebook, texting, etc. Why not a digital Christmas card?
If you don't have a FLIP or aren't sure what it is, check out www.theflip.com and see for yourself. I think they are reasonable priced for what they offer! I actually keep ours in my purse and that's how handy it is for me. I love catching my kids in action! That said, I'm still not sure how I'll be doing my Christmas cards this year. Traditionally or digitally? Stay posted!