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he does at least have the good grace to acknowledge “None of that should detract from the seriousness of the rape allegations made against Assange, There has never been a better opportunity for those outside the squad to make their case. according to Catt, big games and big comebacks, "That was the sheer force of the crowd that got the goal. The 32 year-old described himself as "relatively happy" to have qualified second on the grid at a race where he has finished runner-up three years in succession," he said. is a blow to his followers in the Labour party who nurtured a diminishing hope that he might yet find a place in Labour's high command and maybe even the top job that he tried and failed to win.David M has confirmed what Westminster knew the minute the leadership result was announced: that he was finished as a leadership contender. is totally unrecognisable in his upcoming film.
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"The results are particularly important because they use a completely different and complementary way of searching for the Higgs boson. This gives us more confidence that what we are seeing is really evidence of new physics rather than just a statistical fluke," Tovey added.


The CBI revealed that Theon's borrowings from Canara Bank leapt to Rs. 23 crore from Rs.7 crore during Bansal's term as finance minster in 2007. During this time, the minister's family auditor Sunil Gupta was also appointed as director of the bank.

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This requires two kinds of intervention by you (and when I say you, I mean civil society groups engaged broadly with political reform).


While state-run thermal plants have an installed capacity of 3,580 MW, they generated only 1,305 MW last week, according to a report in The Express Tribune.


But Obeidi said that France had essentially masterminded the operation by directing Libyan militiamen to an ambush spot where they could intercept Gaddafi's convoy. He also suggested that France had little interest in how Gaddafi was treated once captured, although the fighters were encouraged to try to take him alive.

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The rate-fixing affair, which disclosed e-mails in which bankers appeared to promise bottles of champagne to each other for help in setting the rates, has fuelled anger from taxpayers struggling with austerity measures who are now closely watching the banks they bailed out during the financial crisis. Adding to their ire, the Financial Services Authority said on Friday it had found "serious failings" in the way specialist insurance had been sold by Barclays, RBS, HSBC and Lloyds, concluding they mis-sold products to small businesses. Compensation could run into the hundreds of millions of pounds, lawyers have said, although Lloyds said the cost for it would not be material.

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The suspension of operations and negotiations are being supervised at various levels, including by a joint monitoring group under the chairmanship of a senior police officer of the state.
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Kunte said a major hindrance in affordable housing was unavailability of land. He said, "Often, the delay in aggregating actual land and virtual land like the FSI and TDR makes the cost of the end property beyond the reach of the people. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, the process of land assembly dents the GDP by 1.3%."

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